Saturday, March 24, 2007

Resource Roundup 3/22

via Google Reader (100+):

Laura from Idealware gives us another great list of resources for non-profits. I'm only going to post 3 of them here follow the link for the whole article.

Resource Roundup 3/22

It's been a good week for great software resources!

ICT tools to support collaborative working (ICT Hub)
A fabulous guide to different software tools for collaboration and their pros and cons in various environments.

A great guide for new users of collaborative software tools.

Why We Chose Our Blogging Tools (World Grows Wide)
A very detailed and useful look as to why one organization chose to setup a blogging system, what software they chose and why, and how they're using it

This is useful for those unfamiliar with blogging and how it might fit with their work.

A First-Time CRM Buyer's Guide (DemocracyInAction)
A useful overview of what to consider when looking for a constituent relationship management tool, though it's strongly weighed towards tracking online rather than offline interactions. This isn't shocking, as it was written by DemocracyInAction, an organization that sells an online CRM tool

Not a bad overview of a very confusing issue.